Interior Painting
A good painter knows that preparation is the key to a painting project.
Part of our job as painters is to make sure your walls are ready to be painted
Part of our job as residential painters is to make sure your walls are ready to be painted. Drywall repair services are included in our estimates so that you have a clear understanding of the type of work needed.
Before painting, we will survey the space and inspect the area for any existing damage. Very small holes (like nail holes) can be repaired by simply filling them with plaster and sanding them down once they dry.
While it may not seem like a big deal, even the smallest hole can be noticeable. If these holes and damaged parts are not properly covered before a paint job, they will be even more visible.
For larger holes (like door handles, etc.), they will need to be patched. Before picking up a brush, we'll patch, sand and prime your drywall to create a perfect surface.
Taking the time to do these kinds of repairs is simply part of your home painting project and ensures that it goes exactly as you imagined.
We work very hard to deliver quality projects, and we're not shy about telling you we're experts, but it's more objective when our clients tell you so!
I am very satisfied with the painting work that was done in my home by the painter Carl who is very competent as well as the owner Charles, is very professional and attentive to our needs.
You want to give your patio a new look? Only one company to call: Onyx Peinture. You will not be disappointed!
Very well done! Professional and punctual, which is quite a miss these days...I highly recommend them without any hesitation.